ASUS AC-68U 공유기 Merlin Firmware 384.3IT 2018. 2. 19. 19:56반응형
공식 홈페이지 https://asuswrt.lostrealm.ca
에 접속해 보면 이제 380 버전은 Legacy 버전이고
최신 안정버전은 384 버전이다
384.3 버전으로 업그레이드 되었다
집에 있는 RT-AC68U 공유기를 업그레이드 해 보니 아무런 이상 없이 업그레이드 완료
Asuswrt-Merlin 384 Changelog
384.3 (14-Feb-2018)
- NOTE: To reduce confusion following the version
bump to 384, the current Github repository
was renamed from asuswrt-merlin.382 to
asuswrt-merlin.ng (for New Generation).
It's recommended that you update your
local repository if you're a developer,
for example by running:
git remote set-url origin \
- NOTE: AiMesh is currently not supported. Feasability of
supporting it is still under evaluation.
- NEW: Merged with GPL 384_10007
- NEW: Added support for RT-AC3200 (merged
SDK 7.x-main + binary blobs from 382_19466).
- NEW: nano can now be configured through /jffs/configs/nanorc
- CHANGED: Allow up to 5 OpenVPN clients on RT-AC3200.
- CHANGED: Updated nano to 2.9.3.
- FIXED: Some routers coming from 380.xx would incorrectly
report a new firmware available at boot time.
- FIXED: Some broken clients (like Samsung TVs) try to use
reserved hostnames - ignore these. (theMIRon)
- FIXED: Added missing IPv6 local hostnames (theMIRon)
- FIXED: Issues withh DNS & broadcast relay for pptp
clients (theMIRon)
- FIXED: Fixed CVE-2018-5721 in httpd (Merlin & theMIROn)
- FIXED: helper.js wasn't properly handling parentheses
- FIXED: NAT acceleration of PPPoE for some models (fix
backported from 382_50010)
- FIXED: Networkmap-related issues on some models (missing
tx/rx rate and such).
- FIXED: ipset could cause the router to crash on the HND
platform (john9527)
- FIXED: Network Service Filter wasn't working when in
Blacklist mode.
- FIXED: Repeater mode (backport from 384_20287)
반응형'IT' 카테고리의 다른 글
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