
  • iOS 기본 메일 앱 취약점
    보안 2020. 4. 23. 23:41

    ZecOps 팀에서 밝힌 iOS 취약점이다 


    Impact & Key Details (TL;DR) :
    - The vulnerability allows remote code execution capabilities and enables an attacker to remotely infect a device by sending emails that consume significant amount of memory
    - The vulnerability does not necessarily require a large email – a regular email which is able to consume enough RAM would be sufficient. There are many ways to achieve such resource exhaustion including RTF, multi-part, and other methods
    - Both vulnerabilities were triggered in-the-wild
    - The vulnerability can be triggered before the entire email is downloaded, hence the email content won’t necessarily remain on the device
    - We are not dismissing the possibility that attackers may have deleted remaining emails following a successful attack
    - Vulnerability trigger on iOS 13: Unassisted (/zero-click) attacks on iOS 13 when Mail application is opened in the background
    - Vulnerability trigger on iOS 12: The attack requires a click on the email. The attack will be triggered before rendering the content. The user won’t notice anything anomalous in the email itself
    - Unassisted attacks on iOS 12 can be triggered (aka zero click) if the attacker controls the mail server
    - The vulnerabilities exist at least since iOS 6 – (issue date: September 2012) – when iPhone 5 was released
    - The earliest triggers we have observed in the wild were on iOS 11.2.2 in January 2018

    문제는 제로클릭 취약점, 그것도 iOS 13 최신버전에서 더 심각한 문제이다 

    메일 앱이 백그라운드로 메일을 열때도 취약점이 터진다는 것이다


    당분간은 기본메일앱은 삭제하는 것으로

    어차피 gmail 앱같은 외부앱을 따로 사용하고 있었으므로 



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