2019.1.13학습 2019. 1. 13. 16:29
plummet : n, 추, 수직으로 떨어지다 n. the metal bob of a plumb linev. drop sharplyexcursion : n, 소풍, 수학여행, 단체여행, 관광단, 일탈, 습격n.1. a journey taken for pleasure2. wandering from the main path of a journeydisembark :vt, 양륙하다, 상륙시키다v. go ashore, leave a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle.
2019.1.9학습 2019. 1. 9. 19:36
emission : the production and discharge of something, especially gas or radiation.convince : cause (someone) to believe firmly in the truth of something.pilgrimage : a pilgrim's journey. go on a pilgrimage.pilgrim : a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons. travel or wander like a pilgrim.trillion : a million million (1,000,000,000,000 or 10 12 ). revenue : income, especiall..
2019.1.7학습 2019. 1. 8. 00:12
foetal : of or relating to a fetus.fetus : an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception.shed : a simple roofed structure, typically made of wood or metal, used as a storage space, a shelter for animals, or a workshop. park (a vehicle) in a depot. (of a tree or other plant) allow (leaves or fruit) to fall to the ground.shed light : to ..
2019.1.5학습 2019. 1. 5. 19:58
Monarch : a sovereign head of state, especially a king, queen, or emperor.pollen : a fine powdery substance, typically yellow, consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the male part of a flower or from a male cone. Each grain contains a male gamete that can fertilize the female ovule, to which pollen is transported by the wind, insects, or other animals.habitat : the natural home or envi..
2019.1.4학습 2019. 1. 4. 13:41
piglets : a young pig.pup : a young dog. (of female dogs and certain other animals) give birth to young.celebrity : a famous person.hesitant : tentative, unsure, or slow in acting or speaking.volition : the faculty or power of using one's will.faculty : an inherent mental or physical power. the teaching staff of a university or college, or of one of its departments or divisions, viewed as a body..